Clan Destine Press
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Call for Submissions: Sherlock is a Girl's Name

Call for Submissions Sherlock is a Girl's Name

An anthology about a female Sherlock Holmes,
written by women

What would the Great Detective be like if Sherlock was a woman?

Clan Destine Press and commissioning editors Narrelle M Harris and Atlin Merrick, wonder just that, and seek stories about a female-identifying Sherlock Holmes – young or old, set in any time, place, or culture!

photo of a gently-smiling young black woman holiding a larege magnifying glass up to one of her brown eyes

Of course, wherever there is Holmes, Watson must follow – in this anthology Watson could be nonbinary, female- or male-identifying, queer or straight. Whatever suits your setting. 

Who is Ms Sherlock Holmes in your story? Who is her Watson?
Her clients? And what are the mysteries only she can solve?

Submission Guidelines:

  • Submissions requested from female-identifying writers.
  • Sherlock must identify as a woman – all else is open to your interpretation.
  • Her name must be Sherlock Holmes (or the local cultural equivalent).
  • We encourage submissions from writers of diverse backgrounds.
  • We'd love Holmesian-style adventure and mystery.
  • No sexual or extreme violence.

Payment and Deadline:

Submission deadline: 30 September 2022. Payment is AU$0.05c a word for stories up to 5000 words; you may write a longer piece, but payment caps at 5000 words.


  • Send your story as a .doc or .docx attachment
  • Use Times New Roman, 12 point, double-spaced
  • Single quote marks on dialogue
  • Paragraphs indented 0.5cm
  • Left-aligned (not justified)
  • Margins 2.5cm/one inch all around – left and right; top and bottom

Questions: Email Clan Destine Press' commissioning editors, Narrelle M Harris and Atlin Merrick at:

Image: WikimediaCommons

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