Clan Destine Press Blog — Nifty Fifty: 50 Cryptic Crosswords
Book Peek: Nifty Fifty—50 Cryptic Crosswords by Willsin Rowe & Fin J Ross
Book Peek Fin J Ross Nifty Fifty: 50 Cryptic Crosswords Willsin Rowe
Want a sneak book peek into one of Clan Destine Press' newest books Nifty Fifty: 50 Cryptic Crosswords With an Aussie Flavour by dual-puzzle lovers Fin J Ross and Willsin Rowe and author interviews? Great, we have you covered. Read on! Some writers love penning cliffhangers but hate reading them, do you love doing tricky cryptic crosswords? Fin: In my book, nothing beats a cliffhanger, so equally satisfying is creating a clever, devious cryptic clue that perplexes and confounds and maybe adds to a puzzler’s vocabulary. WILLSIN: I love doing cryptic crosswords, and from as wide a range of setters...